Genre: Dans2022/202360




Two Parts Apart – dobbelt forestilling

To duetter – én melankolsk og surrealistisk, den anden simpel og humoristisk – præsenterer (mis)kommunikation, medmenneskelighed og ambivalente forhold 2 personer imellem i gennem contemporary dans og abstrakt teater.

Forestillingen varer 60 minutter og består af to separate danseteaterduetter produceret af Holland-baserede Lazy Susan & co. Forestillingen er teknisk simpel og målrettet mod både vante teatergængere og nykommere.




Two Parts Apart – a double bill

Two duets – one emotional, surrealistic and melancholic, the other simplistic and lighthearted – explore the connections and disconnections between two people on stage. Through movement and dance theatre, images appear and disappear, stories evolve and dissolve, relationships between two characters emerge in every form – from complex and abstract to recognizable and empathetic. Two Parts Apart is a full-evening programme produced by the Rotterdam-based dance collective Lazy Susan & co. and presents a visual evening in the theatre, where abstract storytelling, movement, imagery, absurdity and the connection between two people takes center stage.






Keren Ben Shachar

Catarina Ribeiro

Iris Boer

Sebastian Pickering

Kunstnerisk hold

Keren Ben Shachar (koreograf, danser)

Catarina Ribeiro (koreograf, danser)

Iris Boer (koreograf, danser, videoediter)

Sebastian Pickering (koreograf, danser, komponist)

Alice Gioria (produktion, lys- og lydteknik)

Matthew Fortunati (komponist)

Tijmen Teunissen (dramaturg, fotograf)

Hellen Boyko (fotograf, video)

Pressecitater og anmeldelser
