Genre: Dans2023/202490

We are present provides a journey inside the creative process of a contemporary dance piece. It combines moments of lecture and the creation in-situ of choreographic material with different degrees of audience participation.

The work provides insight into a choreographer’s mind and some of the tools deployed by dancers in contemporary dance. It is conceived with a direct an uncomplicated (English) language with didactic and informal interventions of choreographer and dancer Fabio Liberti in between the movement sections. It aims at creating a connection of all the participants with the unique creativity inspired specifically by the energy of those present in that exact moment in time. Simultaneously, it means to provide basic technical knowledge for all audiences about choreographic work and an appreciation for abstract movement.

The event features Fabio present on stage at all times with dancers Jernej Bizjak and Arina Trostyanetskaya. Together and in collaboration with the audience, they create a completely new choreography every time the piece is presented wich will involve some audience members onstage in the end.




Dancers: Arina Trostyanetskaya, Jernej Bizjak

Choreographer (on stage): Fabio Liberti

Kunstnerisk hold

Dancers: Arina Trostyanetskaya, Jernej Bizjak

Choreographer (on stage): Fabio Liberti

Pressecitater og anmeldelser

Recommendation from Marianne Klimt after presenting the piece in Momentum in 2022
